September 22, 2006
Sterkfontein Caves

Sterkfontein Caves is one of the most productive palaeoanthropological sites in the world. It is part of the "Cradle Of Humankind" World Heritage Site. South africa has 7 World Hertiage Sites and I have now been to 4 of them. The USA has 20 and I have been to 4 of them as well. Inside the cave they have found remains of fossils that they believe bring linking humans to apes closer. This also was the last touristy thing of our South African adventure.

From The caves We went to visit Lance and Lisa Peppler, as they had just returned from Hawaii on their honeymoon. We stayed one night there and then flew to The USA..
September 16, 2006
Daniell Cheetah Breeding Farm

The final day with Sharon we spent at the Cheetah Breeding Farm. They raise cheetah's to be released into the wild at the farm. We were able to go into the cage with two adult males, that are used for breeding and pet them. But we couldn't get close to any females or babies since they will be released. I also saw a Springbok (The National Animal of South Africa) there. Jen and I, then hopped on a double decker greyhound for 17 hours back to Pretoria.
September 14, 2006
Welcome to the Garden Route
We spent the last few days exploring the Garden Route with Sharon. We traveld to Jeffrery's Bay(Surf Capital Of South Africa), Cape St. Francis and then to Storms River Mouth in the Tisikamma National Forest. We hiked to a water fall on the Otter Trail as you can see below. 
The next day we went to Monkeyland, Birds Of Eden, and the worlds highest bugeee jump. Overall we were really busy.

The next day we went to Monkeyland, Birds Of Eden, and the worlds highest bugeee jump. Overall we were really busy.

September 09, 2006
Well still no good internet But all is well here. Jenn and I spent the last three days at buccaneers. Tidepools, Kayaking and Surfing have taken up most of my time. Cintsa is such a relaxing place, it is about 5 minutes from Inke
nqwesi for all those who remember where that is.
Tonight, Jenn and I, will go and meet Sharon and spend some time with her.

Tonight, Jenn and I, will go and meet Sharon and spend some time with her.
Durban for a night
We stayed in Durban for one night, after leaving BIB's in St Lucia. However, since leaving I have had very poor internet connections and right now can only put in text.. Sorry all you picture lovers. I will put in pictures where they belong latter.. 
But more importantly A legend and Icon of Australia, died. Steve(the Crocodile Hunter) Irwin was stung by a sting ray while filming on The Great Barrier Reef.

But more importantly A legend and Icon of Australia, died. Steve(the Crocodile Hunter) Irwin was stung by a sting ray while filming on The Great Barrier Reef.
September 03, 2006
The Greater St Lucia Wet Land Park

The St Lucia Wetland Park was a great 4 days we spent the time enjoying sunsets and hippos and crocodiles. There were many unusal signs there as you can see below.

I may add more pictures here when I get home..
Coral Divers

The third vacation destination was Coral Divers. We spent 5 days diving and enjoying the beauty of the southern most coral reef in the world. I also took the Open Water Diving Class. So, now I am official allowed to dive to 18M. This was also my first underwater photography session. The weather was bad for the first four days. We had swells of about 4 to 5 meters. They made for exciting diving but poor visibility. Visibility was poor for the entire time we were there at about 7M normally it is about 20 - 30 M.
September 01, 2006
Sudwala Caves

Our second vacation destination was Sudwala. We spent two nights in a time share at the base of Sudwala Caves. One picture can not show how big this cave system is. Above is very small part of the caves called Fairyland. It is only about three inches tall(the reflecting pool makes it appear bigger).
Kruger National Park
I seem to have recovered rather quickly from malaria. The first vacation destination Jennifer and I went to upon arrival in South Africa was Kruger National Park. We spent four days in the park, seeing all it has to offer with Mark and StephanieBrown(Mark was my roomate and Stephanie was Jenn's onboard the Anastasis). Below are three postcards I made using some of the pictures I took of the wildlife. One of the most exciting encounters we had was a stand off between hyaenas and hippos at our first water hole. 

After Kruger we traveled with Mark and Stephanie To Sudwala..

After Kruger we traveled with Mark and Stephanie To Sudwala..