Good Bye, Ghana. / Hello, South Africa.
Jen and I will be departing for South Africa and then to the USA. So prepare.

In case you missed what I saw last time in South Africa here is a little taste...

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This is the past.
Tafi Atome is the first place we stopped on our three day journey into the Volta Region. The Village is home to about 300 Mona Monkeys. The monkeys still exist here due to the belief that the monkeys were messengers to the Gods. However, as the villagers lost their reverence for the animals due to an erosion of traditional beliefs by Christianity, they began to destroy the forest and all the monkeys that lived within. In 1993 NGO's established the Monkey Sanctuary to protect the now endangered Mona Monkeys for tourism. The Villagers now lead tours thru the forest. They also demonstrate the ways of the village including Kente Weaving. The Kente cloths take four hours to make one yard that is only 4 inches wide.